Traditional Practices in Restaurants that could be Revived and Some that should not | JuniperPublishers

Recently, there has been many journalistic articles in the media which address the issue of fraud in restaurant tables. Charges include replacing a deep-fried calamari order with a plate of pork rectum. Another difficult one to prove is that the organic salad vegetables came from non-organic sources. The motivation seems to be economic. The fraud regarding Kobe beef seems to stem from an old rule put into effect by the government of the United States of America. The traditional custom addressed in the current work is about making sounds of satisfaction as one partakes of one’s meal in a restaurant or public setting. It is not an American custom, and generally, not a European custom to make sounds when consuming a sit-down meal. However, it is definitely considered a show of appreciation among the Chinese, Japanese and other Asian cultures to make a loud sound when slurping noodles, for instance. It has now been published in academic journals that sound of satisfaction helps to activate the satiety centers in the brain, resulting as an aid to the person to limit the quantity of food consumed.

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