Analysis of Acceptance of Cow Milk-Free Food by Allergic Children | Juniperpublishers

Nutrition and Food Science International Journal- Juniper Publishers Abstract Objective: To analyze foods free from cow's milk protein by allergic children. Methods: The research for the development of the project, regarding the objectives, was exploratory, as to the nature, applied and the procedures, a case study. It was held at the Integrated Medical Care Center (NAMI), from February to April 2017, in the population of children from two to five years old with cow's milk protein allergy. We used forms with hedonic facial expression scale with five categories to be selected according to the children's acceptability. The research was designed according to what governs Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council (BRASIL, 2012). Results: In the study we obtained 14 children and 14 participating mothers. We found that children aimed only at the taste of the products, with product A (salty barbecue flavored product) being the most acceptable with 79% acceptance, unli...